
I'm Sanket

A programming student

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I'm a computer science student and web developer based in Mumbai, India. I have a passion for AI, software/web development and love to create for web and mobile devices..

What I can do.


Write what you need.

I like to keep it simple. My goals are to focus on more appealing, content and conveying the message that you want to send.


Analyse what you need.

I am a competitive intelligence analyst. I can help businesses with the help of extensive research and analysis, identifying the competitors in the industry and providing solutions to optimize their sales performance and business plans.


Develop what you want.

I'm a developer, so I know how to create your website to run across devices using the latest technologies available.

Get me and make US!

Whatever the problem, I might be solution.

Whether it's just a fancy hi or considering for a big project. I'm on the hunt for exciting new opportunities and would love to hear from you.

Let's connect!
linkedIn telegram whatsapp hire me

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